Performance in Greece

Course Code
05ΕΠΚΧ 01-ΠΤ
ECTS Credits
5th Semester
Σειρά εμφάνισης
Course Category
Performing Arts

Katerina Kanelli

Course Description

The course examines the history of performance in Greece. Τhe historical retrospective extends from the late 1960s to the present, focuses on artistic creation, and includes performances with the live presence of actions in front of an audience or video - performances recorded by visual or acoustic means. We will focus especially on the body’s functions, the relationship with space, communication with the public, as well as the hybrid character of performance as a genre that combines various arts. During the course, performance in Greece also fits into a political and social context with an emphasis on its anti-establishment functions during the dictatorship and the transition period of “metapolitefsi”. The Greek works are associated with developments in the field of art internationally in order to assess their importance. Works by established artists such as Thodoros, Lida Papakonstantinou, Maria Karavela and Dimitris Alithinos as well as younger artists such as  Georgia Sagris, Aspa Stassinopoulou, Niki Kanaginis will be studied.